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Bibliographic Databases

Import methods vary by database. If you don't see an "export to EndNote" link or button, look for an option to export citations in RIS format. RIS is a standard file format that is recognized by most citation managers. 

Here are a few examples from databases used by Einstein faculty, students, postdocs, and staff.


Browse search results and select references to export into your citation manager by checking the little boxes to the left of article titles.


 After you have made your selections, click the Save button at the top of the page. In the Selection drop-down menu, indicate which results you want to export.


A "Cite" link appears beneath every citation in the summary and abstract displays.

Cite link

When you click on Cite, a small window will pop up, giving you the option to copy a citation formatted according to either AMA, APA, MLA, or NLM style, which you can paste it into a document.


Use the “Download .RIS” to download that reference in .RIS format. RIS is a standard file format that can be opened in EndNote and just about any other citation manager. 

Ovid Medline - direct export

Direct Export from Ovid Medline

  1. Run search and select citations.
  2. At the top of the Results list, click Export:
  3. In the Export Citation List window, select EndNote from the Export to dropdown list.
  4. Select Fields to Display.
  5. Click Export Citations.
  6. If prompted, click Open file.
  7. Your selected results will be added to your EndNote Library.

Ovid Export

Web of Science - direct export

In Web of Science

  1. Run search as usual and select citations to save
  2. In Output Records
    • Step 1 = Selected Records on page
    • Step 2 = Full Record
    • Step 3 = Save to EndNote desktop

 Web of Science



In PsycNET

  1. Run search as usual and select citations to save.
  2. Click Export.
  3. Export to: EndNote Desktop.
  4. Click Go.
  5. If prompted, choose Open File and select EndNote.
  6. If you don't get the Open File option, save the file "PsycINFO_Export.ris" to your Desktop.

If you saved the file:

  1. Open EndNote.
  2. Go to File > Import > File
  3. Impot File = PsycINFO_Export.ris
  4. Import Option = Reference Manager (RIS)
  5. Click Import


SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts)

In SciFinder

  1. Run search as usual and select citations to save
  2. Click Export
  3. Under For Citation Manager, select  Citation export format (*.ris), choose a file name, and click Export.
  4. When your web browser asks you what to do with the file, select Open with ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper.
  5. Selected References should import directly into your EndNote Library.

Alternate Method

In SciFinder

  1. Run search as usual and select citations to save
  2. Click Export
  3. Under For Citation Manager, select  Citation export format (*.ris), choose a file name (e.g., references.ris), and click Export.
  4. When your web browser asks you what to do with the file, select Save File.
  5. Save file "seferences.ris" to your Desktop.

In EndNote

  1. Go to File > Import > File
  2. Impot File = reference.ris
  3. Import Option = Reference Manager (RIS)
  4. Click Import

Google Scholar

In Google Scholar

  1. Run search as usual.
  2. Click the Cite link beneath a relevant citation.
  3. Select EndNote from the Cite popup box. 
  4. Save the scholar.enw file.
  5. If prompted, open the scholar.enw file with EndNote.



Exporting a reference using Chrome.

EndNote Google Scholar

Note: If you are unable to open the scholar.enw file in Chrome, follow steps 1-3 above. 

In EndNote:

  1. Go to File > Import > File
  2. Import File = scholar.enw
  3. Import Option = EndNote Import
  4. Click Import

Exporting a Batch of References from Google Scholar

  1. Run your search as usual.
  2. Select references by clicking the Save button (star icon).
  3. Google Scholar Save

  4. To group saved references, create a label.
  5. Google Scholar Save to my Library

  6. When you are finished selecting references, click on the menu button at the top left.
  7. Click My Library.
  8. Select the group you want to export.
  9. Google ScholarGo To Library

  10. Click Export All and select your preferred file format.

   Google Scholar Export format

Tips for Mac Users

If EndNote prompts you to select an application every time you use any of the export options described above, follow these steps to streamline the process:

  1. Locate the database output file (e.g. citations.nbib, ovidweb.cgi. savedrecs.ciw, records.ris, scholar.enw). It will most likely be in your Downloads folder.
  2. Right-click the file and select Get Info
    1. Select Open With
    2. Other
    3. EndNote
    4. Always open with
    5. Click Change All