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Publication Metrics

This is a guide to the various metrics used to measure research impact.

Einstein Research Profiles

SciENcv Quick Start

Follow these steps to set up your SciENcv profile.  You will gather your publications from PubMed and then link your eRA Commons account with your My NCBI account.  This will let you use SciENcv to create an NIH biosketch.

  1. Go to My NCBI in PubMed.
  2. Log to My NCBI by clicking on "NIH Login" and entering your eRA Commons ID and password.
  3. Click on "My NCBI" in the upper right corner.
  4. Locate the SciENcv box.
  5. Select "link your eRA account for an expedited setup."  This will make it possible to add PubMed references from My Bibliography into your biosketch.
  6. If you have an ORCID ID, add it to your SciENcv account

There are 3 ways to create a SciENcv profile:

  • From scratch
  • From an existing source (eRA Commons, ORCID, NSF)
  • From an existing profile
    • Hint: Create a basic profile containing all of your background information. User this profile to create specialized biosketches.

Biosketches created with SciENcv can be downloaded in PDF, Word, and XML formats.  The PDF version can be used when filing grant applications through

H1 Connect (formerly F1000 Research)


NCBI My Bibliography

Researchers can import references from PubMed n to My Bibliography. Citation information in My Bibliography for records that do not appear in PubMed (including conference presentations, patents, etc) can be added manually. 

Getting Started

  1. Establish a My NCBI account to gain access to MyBibliography
  2. Link your MyNCBI account to you eRA Commons account (if you have one).
  3. Search PubMed for your publications.
  4. Select relevant references.
  5. Click Send To.
  6. Select My Bibliography.
  7. References to publications not listed in PubMed can be added to My Bibliography manually.



ORCiD is a non-profit organization that aims to solve the author/contributor name ambiguity problem in scholarly communication by creating a central registry of unique identifiers.

ORCiD provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

To link your ORCiD and My NCBI accounts. 

  1. Login to your NCBI account.
  2. Click on your user name to access NCBI Account Settings.
  3. Under Linked Accounts, click Change.
  4. Under All Available Partner Accounts, search for ORCiD or select ORCiD from the list of Login Account Options.
  5. Sign on to your ORCiD account or create a new ORCiD account.


Social Media

  • Update your LinkedIn profile
    • Participate in discussions
  • Contribute to a blog
  • Twitter
    • Twitter chats / "tweet-ups"
  • Facebook

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