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Full Text @ Einstein

A guide to accessing the full text of an article.

What is LibKey Nomad++?

LibKey Nomad++ is a web browser extension that provides single click access to the Library's content from PubMed, publisher websites, and Wikipedia. LibKey Nomad can be used from on or off campus. Available for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.

Follow these steps to set up and use LibKey Nomad.

  1. Get the LibKey Nomad++ extension from your browser's app store
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions
  3. Select Albert Einstein College of Medicine as your institution

LibKey Nomad++ in Action

When LibKey Nomad is activated, PubMed citations will include thumbnail images of journal covers, links to download PDFs (if available), and the option to view the complete issue of the journal. When LibKey can’t find a PDF, it will offer other access options, including interlibrary loan.

Installing the EZProxy Redirect Extension

  1. If you use the Chrome browser, install the EZ Proxy Redirect extension from the Chrome store.
  2. Once installed, right click on the icon (top right of browser) and choose settings, which will open in a new tab.
  3. Albert Einstein has been added to the list so you should be able to select that as an option, but if for any reason that does not appear, you can also go to the custom URL option and input:$@
  4. Now whenever you run into a paywall on resources to which the D. Samuel Gottesman Library subscribes, click the EZProxy icon in your browser and it should reload page, redirect you to sign in to the library resources as you normally would via their website, and come right back to the article you were on (or just reload once you are signed in).