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Resource Brief: Mapping Maternal Health with PolicyMap

by Winifred King on 2025-01-28T11:43:54-05:00 in Family Medicine, Public Health, Resources & Databases | 0 Comments

PolicyMap users can integrate datasets like area demographics, chronic health conditions, deprivation indexes, and poverty rates with Surgo Health’s Granular Maternal Vulnerability Index (gMVI) for a nuanced understanding of maternal health challenges. The index ranks geographies on overall vulnerability to poor pregnancy outcomes and vulnerability across six themes including reproductive health, general healthcare, and physical environment. Surgo Health is a technology company and Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) developing a socio-behavioral analytics platform and generating real-world data designed to inform and improve health equity and outcomes by enabling a greater understanding of the complex factors that influence how individuals engage in their healthcare.

Be sure to access PolicyMap via the Library's A-Z databases page for best results.

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